Heads up infomercial junkies, Weezer is coming your way. Apparently, the very popular ‘Snuggie’ (the blanket with sleeves) struck Weezer as the perfect canvas to advertise their band on. Following Hannah Montana’s lead by plastering their logo on completely unrelated objects (i.e. boogie boards, Crocs, any school supply you could imagine), Weezer has teamed up with the blanket company to make their own version of the Snuggie; the ‘Wuggie.’ (Well played, Weezer.) These ‘Wuggies’ will apparently be exactly the same as ‘Snuggies,’ but they will say Weezer on them. These Wuggies are set to come out sometime later this year. “The people at Snuggie are doing it with us and promoting it with us,” band member Rivers Cuomo told Rolling Stone. “It’s a totally legit Snuggie.” Well, that’s a relief.
-Laurie Moot
Currently listening to: "Unless It's Kicks," by Okkervil River
This content is solely the property of The Athens Blur Magazine and may not be re-produced without expressed written consent. The Athens Blur Magazine is an 8 issue/year music & variety publication proud to be based in the Classic City of Athens, Ga. For more information, please contact editorial@athensblur.com
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