Keller Williams is the definition of solo artist. Often described as a “one-man jam band,” he tours relentlessly, playing over 100 shows a year (he usually hits Athens in the spring). Williams uses looping effects to layer instruments, jumping from guitar to bass to percussion, until the result is a full-blown band sound. Sometimes he lets go and joins forces with backing bands, such as The String Cheese Incident or the WMD’s. His music defies labels, incorporating bluegrass, jazz and rock. Live is the best way to get the Keller Williams experience, but in the meantime he has this great system called “Once A Week Freek” on his website where he puts up a different song to download every week (on Wednesday), including never before heard originals, live songs dug up from the archives, and even versions of songs recorded as recently as last night’s show. Check it out at http://www.theonceaweekfreek.com/weekly-freek.php
Who’s Who: Keller Williams (everything)
Formed: 1991 in Virginia
Label: SCI Fidelity
Latest Release: Keller Williams with Moseley, Droll & Sipe-LIVE (2008)
Website: www.kellerwilliams.net
-Julie McCollum
Listening to: “Ultimate” by Keller Williams
This content is solely the property of The Athens Blur Magazine and may not be re-produced without expressed written consent. The Athens Blur Magazine is an 8 issue/year music & variety publication proud to be based in the Classic City of Athens, Ga. For more information, please contact editorial@athensblur.com
Hes awesome - a really inspiring artist and his use of loops is amazing.