Mon. April 13
w/ My Education, Theives and Pastors
Caledonia Lounge
doors at 10 p.m.
$5 (21+), $7 (18+)
For Athens indie-rock lovers, make your way to the Caledonia Lounge for a few hours of musically infused magic. A local band, Athens' A. Armada puts on an impressive show that will likely showcase songs from their EP, Anam Cara.
Tasty World
door at 10 p.m.
Native to Atlanta, Rapport brings his acoustic guitar to entertain at Tasty World. If you love Jack Johnson/Jason Mraz, don't miss this show.
Tues. April 14
In a Dream
showing at 7 p.m.
As part of National Depression and Suicide awareness week, Nuçi's Space will sponsor a showing of the film, In a Dream. The film exposes the difficulties associated with poor mental health through an expose of artist Isaiah Zagar.
The Benjy Davis Project
w/ The Kin
Georgia Theatre
doors at $9
Come check out some awesome folk-rock music as The Benjy Davis Project takes the stage at the Georgia Theatre. Also, stick around for The Kin. These Australian brothers bring their whispering ballads to the Theatre for a night of great, chill music.
Wed. April 15
Micro Wrestling Federation
Georgia Theatre
doors at 9 p.m.
$15/adv., $20 at door
I don't even know where to begin with this one, but it will be a great show. Check out the world's best wrestlers under five feet. This show is the perfect fusion of wrestling and entertainment-- you have to see it.
w/ Misfortune 500
Caledonia Lounge
doors at 10 p.m.
$5 (21+), $7 (18+)
Fan-tan is a sweet new-wave meets rock band. Misfortune 500 is a local pop"ish"-rock band. Put them together and get a reason to head over to Caledonia on Wednesday night.
Thurs. April 16
Wine 101: The Big Six Wine Tasting
Cine Barcafe
7 and 8:30 p.m.
$20/adv., $25 at door
Enjoy an evening of delicious wines as wine expert Peter Birdsong of Georgia Crown Distributing Company guides your taste buds on an alcohol-infused journey. Not only will this event be informational and enjoyable, you can enjoy hors d'oeuvres prepared by The National. Your admission also gets you a stemless wine glass -- a relic from this engaging event.
w/ Zoogma
No Where Bar
11 p.m.
A night not to miss. JazzChronic will be celebrating the release of their new album with some funky, psychedelic, jazzy tunes with a little bit of rock in the mix that will keep you going all night. Throw in the funk-rock of Zoogma and you've got perfection.
Fri. April 17
Great Southland Stampede Rodeo
UGA Livestock Teaching Area
6 p.m.
$15 (adults), $12 (students/children)
Um, it's a rodeo. Enough said.
GreenFest Awards Ceremony
Terrapin Beer Co.
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Come check out which Athens businesses have been the most eco-friendly this year. Not to mention for $8 you can add the usual Terrapin fun into the mix.
Stay tuned to "Weekend Picks" for what's going on Friday night and this weekend...
-Erica Schwartz
Currently listening to "Stay Alive" by The Pains of Being Pure at Heart
This content is solely the property of The Athens Blur Magazine and may not be re-produced without expressed written consent. The Athens Blur Magazine is an 8 issue/year music & variety publication proud to be based in the Classic City of Athens, Ga. For more information, please contacteditorial@athensblur.com
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