I admit I have never been a fervent fan of Nickelback. I enjoy a few songs I have heard on the radio, like “Rockstar” and “Far Away”, but I was never inspired to go out and actually buy an album. So when a friend got us tickets to the show last night, I was a little disinclined to go.
When we arrived at Lakewood Amphitheater, rain was pouring and puddles were forming. We were caught in an isolated thunder storm. The lightening was so close, ticket holders not already in the venue were asked to turn around and wait in their cars for the storm to dissipate. As the rain tapered off, we headed through the gates and to our seats (which, thankfully, were in the covered seating section and not far from the stage).
We missed the opening acts and were sitting only a few minutes before Nickelback was to perform. The explosives that went off right before the band came out jolted me to my feet. I was impressed right from the first few chords. This band sounded amazing live. I thought for a minute they were lip synching because the sound was so good but once lead singer Chad Kroeger addressed the audience after the first song, I knew I was wrong.
The lighting was superior at Lakewood, which really helped emphasize the performance throughout the night. I don’t remember much of the bassist or other guitarist. The drummer had an impressive solo and Kroeger proved himself a comedian in between songs but the highlight for me during the show was when Shaun Morgan from Seether came onstage to perform an incredible cover of Filter’s “Hey Man, Nice Shot”. Despite the foul weather and not knowing many songs, I still had a blast and rocked the night away. Overall, I highly recommend seeing Nickelback next time they roll though Georgia.
-Nicole Black
Rating: 3.5/5
Currently listening to: "Sometime Around Midnight" by The Airborne Toxic Event
This content is solely the property of The Athens Blur Magazine and may not be re-produced without expressed written consent. The Athens Blur Magazine is an 8 issue/year music & variety publication proud to be based in the Classic City of Athens, Ga. For more information, please contact editorial@athensblur.com
I have never been a fan of Nickleback but perhaps I should rethink my disdain for them. However, I really wanted to comment on your "currently listening to" Airborne Toxic Event...I love them. The whole album is great and that's one of the best songs on it. I just randomly bought the CD at Barnes and Noble about a month ago and now can't stop playing it. Love the blog!