Although there are many urban legends behind how 4/20 originated, everyone can agree that it has become synonymous with the drug culture. Some ideas as to where the term came from have been that 4:20 p.m. is tea time in Holland, whereas other stories hypothesize that “420” is the radio call used by police for marijuana infractions. There are, however, no police calls that refer to any drug in particular. According to High Times Magazine, the phenomenon that is 420 started in 1971 at San Rafael High School, as a group of teens known as “The Waldos” would partake in the after-school activity at 4:20 p.m.. The students would meet at a statue of Louis Pastor, and the trend became known as “Louis 420” and later simply “420.”
There are, however, some negative events that have occurred on April 20th. First, it happens to be Hitler’s birthday. April 20th is also the anniversary of the infamous Columbine shootings that killed more than 10 students at the Colorado high school. These tragic connotations are simply coincidence and bear no meaning to the day that is, as Warren Haynes says “the best day to blaze.” Some say there are 420 known chemicals in THC (the active ingredient in pot); while some say it’s the numbers in Bob Dylan’s “Rainy Day Woman No. 12 and 35,” (12 X 35 = 420) that are the reasons for celebration.
Schools such as University of Colorado at Boulder even have “smoke outs” (see picture) to celebrate the festivities. I’m sure President Adams is next in line to instigate this yearly ritual. It’s always good to learn something new, even if you’re too baked to remember it.
--Will Hackett
Listening to “Here Comes My Girl” by Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
This content is solely the property of The Athens Blur Magazine and may not be re-produced without expressed written consent. The Athens Blur Magazine is an 8 issue/year music & variety publication proud to be based in the Classic City of Athens, Ga. For more information, please contact editorial@athensblur.com
isn't it also Earth Day?! Thanks for the interesting info!