I was introduced to the genius of mashups with Girl Talk. While I wouldn’t consider myself a regular listener of Top 40 music, I can’t deny there are some great guilty pleasures out there for when I just want to dance. Not to mention the interesting way mashup artists layer old songs under new rap stuff (“Lean on Me” under “Knuck if You Buck," anyone?).
So, in case you are having a dance party sometime soon, here are three mash-up artists you MUST know.
Milkman (aka Gregg Luskin)
From California. His stuff is incredibly similar to Girl Talk. You can listen to all the songs for free on his website. C-C-Check it out, here.
Girl Talk (Gregg Gillis)
He was the first mashup artist I heard. He absolutely rocked the Georgia Theatre last year, and I can’t wait ‘til he comes back. And... he has the “pay-what-you want” a la Radiohead approach to selling his album, and you gotta respect that. Check out the songs here on his Myspace.
DJ Earworm
His stuff is a little different, incorporating more samples in the same song. The overall feel is more clubby than Girl Talk or Milkman, but you have to admit, he’s got some balls to mix Kanye (“Love Lockdown”) with Radiohead (“Reckoner”). I’m not convinced I like it, but I appreciate the idea. Listen for yourself here.
Which one is your favorite?
-Lindsey Lee
Currently listening to: “Reckoner Lockdown” by DJ Earworm
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You forgot the best Remix DJ around right now!! And he's from our town none the less! Ladies and Gents Mr. Alfredo Lapuz Jr. AKA DJ IMMUZIKATION