Madonna released her newest video “Celebration,” where—previously blogged—her boyfriend, Jesus and her daughter, Lourdes help her celebrate the release of her upcoming greatest hits album. The video is available for viewing via iTunes. Get a free download of the video for the next 48 hours before it goes up for purchase this Thursday.
Don’t waste your iBucks! Get the video now! Who doesn’t want access to a Madonna celebration on their own computer whenever they want one? Plus, it is a perfect way to judge the onscreen chemistry between cougar-mama-Madonna and baby-Jesus Luz. Also, we might catch a glimpse of a rising child-star mess waiting to happen in Madonna's daughter Lourdes.
Okay, I’m being supercritical. Madonna is a musical genius and I am looking forward to some 80s flashbacks on the new/old album. "Celebration” is sure NOT to be a sensational hit, but it does it is a promotion job well done.
There is one remaining new single that will no doubt be released prior to her greatest hits album to gain more hype and sales—who wants to see an 80s song that goes good with lace gloves and a rocker tutu? I do, I do. Come on Madonna, go back to your roots.
-Marie Baginski
Currently listening to "Like A Virgin" by Madonna
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