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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Taylor Swift's sub par vocals disappoint despite win


The CMAs was almost unrecognizable this evening when the show opened with a performance by country teen diva Taylor Swift. Her set was reminiscent of a MTV-esq awards show, but no amount of shiny backgrounds and screaming pre-teens could cover up Swift’s pitchy and flat vocals.

When you take the stage with some of Country’s biggest names, you at least need to live up to yours. Swift has practically conquered the genre in past couple of years, but seeing her struggle to breathe properly while skipping across stage tonight makes me question her appeal. Theatrics can never make up for belting out notes in tune—even if it means standing still for two seconds.
Her win tonight for Best Female Vocalist (did anyone else catch Miranda's reaction?) only proves auto tune does, in fact, work miracles. A fan or Swift's, I do still believe she has tremendous potential as a songwriter and artist, however, less time with Twi-hottie Taylor Lautner and more time with a vocal coach might prove to be advantageous.

--Ashley Thompson
currently listening to the CMAs

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