Listen up people, there’s a new sensation going around and it doesn’t have anything to do with vampires. Ok, well maybe a little bit about vampires, but only in the sense that you will sweat blood and tears for Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zero’s. Witnessing their show at the 40 Watt last night was, to say the least, an amazing experience. I lost count of how many people are in the band, but I’m pretty sure there were up to 11 soulful characters controlling the crowd with bluesy, folk, chime-rock. They performed songs from their new album “Up From Below” and it was the best show I’ve seen in Athens since the Fleet Foxes. All who were in attendance last night were lucky to catch the band before their travels to the Northeast and Canada. Not bad for a debut album.
--Will Hackett currently listening to “Cowboy (live)” by Kid Rock…. Seriously.
I totally agree. It was an awesome concert and the energy was fantastic. I drove from Savannah to see them and was definitely glad I made the trek. Here's hoping the rest of their albums are as true and soulful.