The popular video game Guitar Hero allows every regular girl and guy to live out their rock star fantasy . . . sorta. Now, those among us with a little extra angst and an extensive cardigan collection have a GH character with which they can identify – Nirvana front man Kurt Cobain.
As everyone in the free world who was born before 1990 probably knows, Cobain, frontrunner of the early ‘90s grunge movement, was a troubled man who ultimately took his own life. His usual attire was an old pair of jeans, a ratty t-shirt and a wooly cardigan – not exactly the look of someone who revels in their rock star status. So the thought of a virtual Cobain guiding the masses through their button-smashing version of playing guitar seems, well, wrong. Would the introverted grunge god really want to be immortalized in avatar form? I doubt it.
But will players of the new Guitar Hero 5 enjoy playing “Smells Like Teen Spirit” and “Lithium?” Definitely.
Cobain’s widow (and notable crazy person) Courtney Love, former Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl and Primary Wave Publishing (administrators of the Nirvana catalogue) all had to sign off in order for Cobain to be included in GH5.
Guitar Hero 5 will be released tomorrow, September 1.
-Kristen Callihan
currently listening to “Two Weeks” by Grizzly Bear
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