Dear Readers,
Well, we've flipped the calendar to October - which means, in the publishing world, we've essentially flipped the calendar to December. That's right...it's already time to think about our end of the year issue!
Our last issue of '09 hits on December 1st, and in it will be a comprehensive 2009 in Review spread. And now you've got a chance to become a part of it! Starting today, and running through November 1, we'll be collecting reader data on your Top 20 albums of 2009.
So...get started! And don't worry, you'll be getting plenty more annoying emails and messages from us reminding you of the deadline. And hey - if you already have your 20, feel free to send them on as early as you want!
The requirements:
1) obviously, the record has to have a 2009 release date.
2) you MUST rank them from worst to first, 20 to 1. We'll be calculating everyone's answer on a point system - so if they're not ranked, we can't count them.
3) Include a one sentence reason as to WHY your #1 is your number 1.
That's it! Get reviewing and send your 2009 Top 20 to editorial@athensblur.com before November 1!
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