Anya Marina got her start in the music industry being a disc jockey in San Diego. Soon after, she took the stage at open mic nights and began writing her own songs. In 2005, Marina released a five-song EP titled Exercises in Racketeering. Six tracks became a full-length LP that resulted in Miss Halfway. She was named one of the “Best Unsigned” acts by the San Diego CityBeat, and she began opening for acts like Jason Mraz and Rhett Miller.
In 2009, she released her second album Slow &steady Seduction: Pase II, which was produced by Brian Karscig from Louis XIV and Britt Daniel from Spoon. This summer, Marina won3San Diego Music Awards, nabbing Artist of The Year.
A year ago, I had the privilege of seeing Miss Halfway in action at our own Tasty World. A quaint appearance— she was only accompanied by her guitar and an ipod—and sultry voice captivated the crowd. She was also very comfortable on stage, often asking questions, telling stories – and complimenting my outfit. Her cozy demeanor was translated in her songs, tracks like “All The Same to Me” and “Vertigo” were purred rather than forcibly sung.
Resembling one of the Twilight cast herself, Marina’s song "Satellite Heart" is featured on the New Moon soundtrack—a feat that will surely give acclaim to her sexy-and-sweet style.
--Ashley Thompson
Currently listening to “Afterparty At Jimmy’s” by Anya Marina
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